Basic concepts


Learn how we can pass additional variables to the schema.


We can pass additional variables to the schema using the Formity component. We just need to pass the variables to the variables prop:

// ...

export default function Home() {
  // ...

  return (
      variables={{ name: "John" }}

Then, in the schema we will be able to use the variables, as we can see here:

import { Schema } from "formity";

const schema: Schema = [
    form: {
      defaultValues: {
        name: ["$name", []],
      resolver: {
        name: [[{ "#$ne": ["#$name", ""] }, "Required"]],
      render: {
        form: {
          step: "$step",
          defaultValues: "$defaultValues",
          resolver: "$resolver",
          onNext: "$onNext",
          children: {
            formLayout: {
              heading: "Tell us about yourself",
              description: "We would want to know a little bit more about you",
              fields: [
                  textField: {
                    name: "name",
                    label: "Name",
              button: {
                next: { text: "Next" },
    return: {
      name: "$name",

export default schema;